Can the Fund Operator award a grant under two outputs?
A project can include activities and results under different outputs. However, the Fund Operator must always award the grant under one output only that relates either to a thematic outcome (outcomes 1 and 2) or the sectoral outcome 3. Where an individual project works towards additional outputs, the Fund Operator can indicate this in the reporting on projects to the FMO through a checkbox. However, no specific funds can be allocated to the additional output.
The Fund Operator may offer all applicants of a call for proposals to include certain activities that fall under another output. For example, a percentage of a thematic grant can be earmarked for building organizational capacity. Here, the Fund Operator can budget the expense under output 3.1 (Organisational development supported). The Fund Operator can also opt instead to only indicate the additional output through a checkbox and budget the full cost of the project under the main thematic output.
In all other cases, the Fund Operator must fully budget the grant under one specific output only defined in the call for proposals even if some the project's activities and results relate to another output. In their annual narrative reporting to the Financial Mechanism Office, the Fund Operator will be able to explain the linkages of results between different outputs, as applicable.