Do we need to elaborate on results framework and already set indicators or can we work with what’s available on page 7 of the ToR?
What you need to do at the bidding stage is to contextualise the Civil Society Fund results framework with the set outcomes and outputs as part of your bid, under sub-section 7.3.2 of the bid form. In line with the proposed balance between the outcomes and outputs and a justification for this balance provided in section 7.2.1 of the bid form, the bidder should outline, for each of the set outcomes: the main issues and challenges that will be addressed; the concrete results the programme expects to achieve; the activities and deliverables the bidder intends to support to address the issues identified; the main risks to achieving the expected results.
To do so, you can refer to section '1.3 Areas of Support and results framework' of the Terms of Reference. You can also refer to the Fund Operator Manual for further information, in particular 'Chapter 05: Programme Implementation Agreement'.
You are, however, not required to identify indicators in your results frameworks as part of your bid. This will be done later with the selected Fund Operator in each country. Once selected, the Fund Operator in each country works with the FMO to further develop their programme results framework by defining output and outcome indicators, their unit of measurement, baseline value, target value, and data sources.