Should organisational grants (i.e. not project or lump-sum grants) be planned under Outcome 3 only (i.e. as grants meant exclusively for organisational development) or can grants under the other two outcomes be in the form of organisational grants?
Organisational grants should be planned under Output 3.1 "Organisational development supported" under Outcome 3 "CSOs that promote democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, strengthened". This is for ease of planning. That being said, organisational grants should be used to contribute to the achievement of the overall objective of the Fund, "A vibrant and resilient civil society protecting and promoting democracy, the rule of law and human rights". As such, there is a conceptual connection to the other outcomes, which focus on strengthening democratic values and rule of law and on strengthening human rights. While the conceptual connection is there, organisations awarded organisational grants are not expected to contribute to the indicators under outcomes 1 and 2 (outcome and output indicators will be developed together with the selected Fund Operator between the selection and the signature of the Programme Implementation Agreement - please see further details in the Fund Operator Manual).
See Article 7.9 in the Programme Implementation Agreement template for the requirements for organisational grants. Kindly note that for organisational grants, specific eligibility criteria for project promoters shall be specified in Annex II of the Programme Implementation Agreement for the programme. These eligibility criteria shall include a minimum period of registration as a legal entity and a minimum average turnover. See Article 7.6.4 for further specifications for the project contract for organisational grants.