Regranting to individuals

Modified on Fri, 7 Feb at 10:53 AM

Is it possible to regrant to individuals within a project?
Re-granting at project level is not foreseen as a standard modality under the Civil Society Fund. Nor are individuals considered eligible project promoters or partners, except for as project partners as part of informal groups. However, it follows from Article 5.3.4 of the Programme Implementation Agreement (PIA) that the Fund Operator, in exceptional and duly justified cases, may suggest additional forms of eligible expenditure, including re-granting at project level. If you wish to implement such a modality, please describe and justify your plan in your bid. Such a proposal would form part of the FMO's assessment of your bid, but any possible subsequent selection of you as Fund Operator would not constitute acceptance by the FMO of the additional modality. That would be subject to further discussion and would be finalised in the drafting of the Programme Implementation Agreement (PIA).