How many pre-defined projects (PDPs) could be proposed in the programme? Are there any limits for the budget of the PDPs?
The Terms of Reference does not set a limit on the number of PDPs that can be proposed.
However, a central principle for the programme is that the funds that are re-granted to civil society through the programme shall be allocated through open calls for proposals. As such, PDPs can be considered only in exceptional and duly justified cases, and the FMO reserves the right to reject a PDP proposal contained in the winning bid.
The Terms of Reference does not include a minimum or maximum grant size for PDPs, but these projects usually require a larger budget and longer implementation period than projects selected through open calls.
The amount allocated to the pre-defined project(s) cannot be more than 5% of the re-granting amount of the Programme
Can a predefined project (PDP) designed to foster an enabling environment for CSOs be considered part of the requirement that at least 20% of the re-granting amount must support organisational development and an enabling environment for civil society?
Yes, a predefined project (PDP) designed to foster an enabling environment for Civil Society Organisations can be considered part of the requirement under the fund specific that at least 20% of the re-granting amount shall contribute to organisational development and an enabling environment for civil society.
Should PDPs be aligned with specific outcomes and outputs within the programme framework?
For reporting results, all projects, whether pre-defined or selected through an open call, will report their qualitative (narrative) project-level results to the Fund Operator who reports to the FMO in the project level information in GrACE.
Only the most important quantitative project results are collected and aggregated by the Fund Operator and reported to the FMO against the indicators in the programme results framework.
The Fund Operator will also highlight qualitative (narrative) project-level results to the FMO in their narrative reporting.
Is it possible to design a pre-defined project for implementation with an organisation outside the consortium, without an open call, if we provide a clear justification for why this Project Promoter is uniquely qualified and the best fit for the project?
Yes, it is possible to design a predefined project with an organisation outside the consortium without an open call. However, it is essential to ensure that the selection process upholds fairness and accountability. As such, a clear and well-substantiated justification must be provided, demonstrating why the proposed organisation is uniquely qualified and the best fit for the project.
The justification should at least address the below:
a. Why the selected organisation is the only suitable entity to implement the project, detailing its expertise, track record, and specific capabilities that cannot be easily replicated by others.
b. Why the project cannot be effectively implemented through an open call, ensuring that the approach remains transparent and aligned with the fund’s strategic objectives.
If the justification does not meet these criteria, further clarifications may be requested, or the project may not be approved.
Please note that selection as Fund Operator does not in itself entail an acceptance of the FMO of a pre-defined project included in the bid.