Is it up to the consortium to define the structure of the grants (e.g. small/big grants), or are there guidelines on donors' expectations and an overall strategy from the donors?
There are no guidelines from the Donors on the structure of the grants as in whether to have large grants or small grants. There are options provided, with regular project grants, small project grants and organisational grants, as well as pre-defined projects (PDPs). Please see the details in the template for the Programme Implementation Agreement on what these different options mean, for example Article 1.8 with the definitions, including for small projects and for organisational grants. In section 7.3 of the Bid Form, and especially in the table in section 7.3.3, bidders are asked to provide an overall plan for whether and how to use these options, based on their knowledge and expertise concerning the needs of civil society in their country. We are looking for coherency in this plan, with the different parts of section 7.3 in the Bid Form. Innovative ideas are welcome, and bidders can propose adding on components.