Fund for Bilateral Relations

Modified on Tue, 10 Dec, 2024 at 10:38 AM

In case of the Fund for Bilateral Relations, if we consider an amount above the allocated minimum amount in the Terms of Reference, shall this added amount be considered from the regranting amount, the fund for regional civil society initiatives or the management fee?

If you wish to allocate more than the minimum required amount to the funds for bilateral relations, you are free to do so. As the limitations to the management fee and funds for regional civil society initiatives described in section 5.3 of the Manual for Fund Operators are maximum amounts, you may propose a lower amount for both of these budget lines. You may also take the amount from the regranting amount. 

The coherence between the programme description and proposed budget will be assessed under award criterion 3.5 as described in section 5.3 of the Terms of Reference. You are therefore advised to explain the reasoning behind any large shifts between the budget lines.