Management Fee: staff allocation to programme

Modified on Tue, 18 Feb at 2:17 PM

In the context of the management fee budget, what is the meaning of ‘allocation to programme’ and how to allocate tasks for a single position split across programme and non-programme expenses and several tasks within the programme?

The cell is designed to give an understanding of how much a certain staff member is allocated to the programme overall. For example, if a finance officer is employed full time and works 80% on programme tasks overall, then 80% should be inserted in this cell.


Nevertheless, it may be the case that the finance officer allocated to the programme 80% has more than one task. For example, half of the finance officer's time on the programme will be allocated to Financial Management while the other half will be allocated to Audit. There are two ways to present this in the management fee budget.


1) Two rows for the finance officer should be entered both indicating 80% in the allocation cells, with the number of units changing across the two rows to reflect the planned allocation of the working time to each of the tasks.


2) Two rows for the finance officer should also be entered but the 80% is split across the two rows, for example 40% for each row in the allocation boxes, with the number of units changing across the two rows to reflect the planned allocation of the working time to each of the tasks.


While both are acceptable method 1) is simpler.


Please remember that the distribution of tasks across personnel is automatically summarised in the last two tables in the Management Fee section, in terms of percentages and in real terms. It is automatically calculated based on the values found in the Total Costs column for personnel in the detailed management fee budget and is independent of the percentages entered into the allocation cells.